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How Zoned Temperature Control Can End the Thermostat Wars

Lex Air Conditioning and Heating

It’s a rare family that can agree on a thermostat setting. If one person is comfortable, everyone else is too hot or too cold. It’s not a tragedy worthy of Shakespeare exactly, but the constant bickering can cause some real frustrations — even divorce. (We’re not kidding.)

The problem with a conventional heating and cooling system is that it distributes an even temperature throughout the entire house. That means if you’re too hot or too cold, there’s no escape. Not only can this lead to thermostat spats, but it’s also inefficient.

Zoning can bring peace to the thermostat wars once and for all and even slash your heating and cooling bills.

What is Zoned Temperature Control?

With a zoned temperature system, several thermostats control the temperature in different parts of the home. The most common configuration is a zone on each floor. Some families create a system where every bedroom is a zone with a thermostat.

Another possibility is a zone based on the natural temperature cycle in the home. In some houses, one side of the building is warm in the morning, and the other is warmer at sunset. A zoned system can even out these temperature fluxations.

In a central air system, dampers inside the ducts will open and close to direct the air where it’s wanted. When a thermostat calls for cooling, the damper opens. Cold air flows to the desired space. With a programmable thermostat, this process will happen automatically based on your daily routine.

If you have an older home without ductwork, a ductless mini-split system can achieve the same result. With this kind of system, thermostats control individual indoor air handlers. You can configure a ductless system to handle the temperature needs of multiple zones.

Cost Savings from Increased Efficiency

A programmable thermostat can save you money by running your heating and cooling system based on your daily schedule. When everyone is away for the day, the house can drift to a higher temperature.

Couple this with a zoned system to save even more. Zoning cuts cost by directing air where it’s needed. You do not need to keep the living room comfortable when everyone is asleep upstairs. Likewise, bedrooms can be less comfortable when everyone is active during the day.

With a single thermostat, the air conditioner may have to run continuously to reach your desired temperature on a scorching day. However, zones concentrate their energy on smaller areas to take less time to reach your programmed setpoint. In other words, a zoned system will make you more comfortable sooner with less energy.

You will quickly see savings in your utility bills. You will also see long-term savings when there is less wear and tear on your equipment. There will be fewer repair calls and a longer usable life for your equipment.

Custom Comfort for Every Family Member

One of the big advantages of a zoned temperature control system is the ability for a family member to customize his or her comfort. The person who wants to cuddle under blankets in July can coexist with the person who wants to sleep cover-free. Each room can have a unique atmosphere. Peace at least.

Your Home Zoning Partner

Lex Air Conditioning and Heating is ready to help if you are looking to upgrade your HVAC system. Our staff can check your current needs and design a zoned climate control program that will work for your home. Contact us today for more information at (972) 217-8955.

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