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Silly Mistakes That Are Raising Your AC Costs

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Air conditioning is one of the most expensive things you have in your home. It’s the largest energy user and you likely see that reflected in your energy bills over the summer months.

Many people just pay their energy bills and accept that AC is expensive. But there are simple ways to reduce those energy bills so you aren’t wasting money on AC, just living in a comfortable environment.

Fix these common silly mistakes that can make your bills go up.

Not Fixing Air Leaks

How much cool air your AC needs to create is dependent on how well your home retains that air. A common problem among many homes, especially older ones, is air leaks.

Look for cracks and openings around windows and doors. Use caulking to seal up any open sections. You can also apply weatherstripping to your windows and doors to help create a tighter seal around openings.

Not Adjusting the Temperature

You may have heard that leaving your temperature alone will actually save you money. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Adjusting your temperature while you’re away will ensure you aren’t wasting money cooling an empty home.

If you get frustrated adjusting the temperature manually, try switching to a smart thermostat. These devices can adjust the temperature automatically based on your habits, leaving you with more precise cooling temperatures.

Overusing Heat Appliances

Are you spending a lot of time with your oven? What about your dryer and other heat-producing devices? This could be driving up your AC costs by raising the temperature of your home.

Instead, switch to alternate cooking appliances like a slow cooker, pressure cooker, microwave, or air fryer. If using the oven, make sure to turn it off as soon as you’re done and use your exhaust fan.

High-Quality AC Repair and Maintenance

If you can’t figure out why your energy bills are going up, contact Lex Air Conditioning and Heating to provide efficient North Texas AC repair and HVAC maintenance services. Contact us today at (972) 217-8955 to learn more about how we can help.

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