Slim Duct Unit
Slim Duct Unit
For specialty applications, ceiling suspended options are available that are feature crisp, modern styling and include easy-to-clean filters and wireless remote controls.
Designed for single room applications such as a furr down ceiling, where there is limited space for return and supply air ducting. Return air opening is convertible based on application.
Wireless receiver kit available for use with remote controls.
Capacity ranges from 7500 BTUH to 48000 BTUH (nominal capacity)
- 4TVL0007
- 4TVL0009
- 4TVL0012
- 4TVL0018
- 4TVL0024
- 4TVL0030
- 4TVL0036
- 4TVL0048
- R-410A refrigerant
- Capacity 7.5-48 MBH
- Sound pressure rating as low as 21 dBa
- Static pressure up to 0.16″ wg for 7.5 to 24 MBU models
- Static pressure up to 0.28″ wg for 30 to 48 MBH models
- Single room application
- Field installed condensate pump optional
- Use VRF select for system validation